
Main Colors:

University marks and campaign graphics must use official colors or black-and-white. Maroon and gold must be prominent in all designs.

Electronic colors

Gold: R:255 G:204 B:51 (#ffcc33)
Maroon: R:122 G:0 B:25 (#7a0019)

Print colors

Consider legibility and contrast. Do not use a gold wordmark on a white background or a maroon wordmark on a black background. Do not screen the wordmark or print over it.

Uncoated Paper
Gold: Pantone 116U or C:0 M:19 Y:89 K:0
Maroon: Pantone 201U or C:26 M:100 Y:90 K:29

Coated Paper
Gold: Pantone 136C or C:0 M:27 Y:76 K:0
Maroon: Pantone 202C or C:9 M:100 Y:64 K:48

Secondary colors

The secondary color palette should be used sparingly, in charts, graphs, or as a way to highlight attention-grabbing elements. They are intended to complement the primary colors and tie into the campaign’s focus on Duluth and the natural environment it offers.

The essence of any communication for UMD should still be primarily maroon and gold.

Secondary Colors