Trademark Licensing

What is a trademark?

A trademark or service mark is a name, design, seal, insignia, or other symbol that an entity uses to identify and distinguish itself and its goods and services from those of another entity, or to indicate to the public its authorization, sponsorship, or affiliation with the provider of goods or services. Any words, letters or graphic images that are affiliated with the University of Minnesota Duluth fall in the trademark category. Logos and protected marks cannot be modified, changed or altered.

What marks or logos are trademarked?

Simply put, all marks that are associated with the University of Minnesota Duluth are trademark protected. Take a quick look at our trademarks. Our Driven to Discover mark is a service mark.

Why is trademark licensing important?

UMD’s Trademark Licensing Program serves to protect and promote UMD’s trademarks. Our licensing program seeks to enhance the image of the university through consistent use of our marks, therefore elevating the overall image of the university. The program also helps grow bulldog country pride in our communities. Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and fans directly support the University by purchasing officially licensed merchandise. Royalties derived from the commercial use of UMD's trademarks directly benefit students at UMD through the Chancellor's Scholarship fund and Athletic Department Scholarships.

The UMD Trademark Licensing Office has partnered with Learfield Licensing Partners to help manage the program.

Heritage marks

UMD maintains the trademarks on select vintage marks that are made available on select items. These marks include “skating champ” as well as “gray champ.” As many universities do over time, UMD has updated our marks and retired others. The new marks are the main visuals that should be used, however, there are audiences (such as alumni) who will identify more strongly with marks of the past. UMD offers the heritage collection of marks for limited use and use of these marks must be approved by our Trademark Licensing Program.

For more information, contact [email protected].