Our brand is more powerful when we are consistent in both tone and style. Therefore, use of university approved typefaces is strongly encouraged. Typeface options have been chosen to suit a variety of needs. Options range from traditional to modern. All typeface licensing is at the discretion of each unit, no system licensing exists except for the custom headline font, Connections.
Custom Headline Font
Connections is a custom font utilizing Helvetica Neue 77 Bold Condensed and the texture element seen throughout the campaign. The font works best when used for headlines (the dominant text element of a layout). Do not use this font for body copy (paragraphs) or any smaller supporting text. Please pay close attention to letterspacing to ensure consistency. Do not use the custom Connections font if your headline needs to be smaller than 70 point type size. Please default to Helvetica Neue 77 Bold Condensed when headlines need to be smaller than 70 point type size.
Note: Connections is an uppercase font only. Activate caps lock when using.
For more information about how to use this font, please refer to the Brand Style Guide.
Body Copy Font
When placing body copy, paragraphs, or any other text, try using weights within the Helvetica Neue (or Helvetica) font family. This will help all pieces within the campaign feel consistent.
For more information about how to use this font, please refer to the Brand Style Guide.
Typography for print
The University's suggested fonts are Frutiger, Helvetica Neue, Hoefler, Times New Roman, and Neutraface, the Driven to Discover font.
Typography for electronic publications
When choosing a font for online display, choose type that is widely available for most or all computers, such as Verdana or Arial (sans serif) or Times or Georgia (serif). The UMD website uses Open Sans as primary font.
Typography in electronic graphics
When making decisions about text use in graphics, remember that viewers will not be able to change the text size; a possible accessibility issue.